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A Philadelphia Jewish Community of Young Professionals and Graduate Students

Who We Are

Spruce Street Minyan is a vibrant, traditional, and egalitarian minyan for young professionals and graduate students living in Philadelphia. We host a monthly Friday night service in a community space, followed by a delicious, home-cooked Shabbos potluck. We aim to connect identifying, searching, intentional Jews for meaningful davening. We hope that through this monthly minyan, we can build a powerful community of energized and committed folks who love celebrating some of the best parts of our tradition: spirituality and food! Our minyan is homegrown, and we intend on keeping it that way!

Upcoming Events

Next Minyanim:

Other Events:

  • July 19, 2024

  • August 23, 2024

  • September 13, 2024

  • Grad Network Happy Hour - July 24

  • Seudah Shlishit - August 3

To register for the next Minyan, sign up on OneTable here â€‹.

Contact Spruce Street Minyan

Email to introduce yourself or volunteer to help with upcoming minyanim.

Find us on Facebook for our most up-to-date communications.

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